Friday, April 15, 2011

It's thing Friday

Day the Fifteenth:

Thing one:
I found Doctor Who on real Television!!! Private fan girl squee! OK, I'm good. The new season is premiering on time, in Canada. Aren't you excited?

Thing two:
I was reading Conversion Diary this morning and found out that I am not the only one wildly disappointed with my lent. It has been kind of dead beat. I can think of nothing that is drastically spiritually better.

Thing three:
In an effort to aid study, I try to get poetry stuck in my head instead of songs that have no business to be in there. Words without melody simply don't have the same catch. Neither do history dates I am sad to report.

Thing four:
Last night I wished I liked beer. It could have been the perfect ending. So far, though, I remain a hopeless case.

Thing five:
I watch dance every chance I get. Both parents look at me and shake their heads, they so don't get it. I blame them anyway. I was in dance class at the ripe old age of  three.
This passion shows up in different ways. Figure skating. I am an avid fan. For the entire competition season I can tell you when the shows will be broadcast. I will watch them all. Dance at music festival. I have gone to Provincials twice and gone to watch twice. My clearest memory of Prince George, my first provincial experience, was the day I got off, and was allowed to choose what I wanted to do. I dragged my mother to watch dance. She just looked puzzled. I had many good singers to go and see and I wanted to watch dance? Yup, I like dance. Does not mean I am any good though.

Thing six:
Easter is almost here. Singing in three masses in three days is nerve wracking. I always like time to practice. Not going to get much. I am not claiming that I have to put in any where near the time father does though. God bless all priests over the Triduum.

Thing seven:
If any one sees this past week could you send it back to me. I was thinking about giving a second shot. Maybe if I do the same week twice I can keep track of it. Worth a try.


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