Thursday, September 22, 2011

They don't have music notation on Blogger?

So, I just had a music lesson.


This is big. Like BIG big. I feel like a giddy, totally high, kid. It is an intense feeling.  Yeah, endorphins.

Today could be a list of good things.

  • I sang dim 5ths, as both intervals and in ex. 6, A CAPELLA! Good day.
  • First week of fall TV. I, unlike all the people I know, have cable and watch TV shows on the TV, not the computer. (Weird, I know.  I really need to do something on TV.)
  • It's second day of fall and it rained this morning.
  • I have my basic line up for my exam nailed down. And I can almost sing my recits.
  • I have six books lined up and waiting for me to read them.
  • I saw people this week.
  • Chocolate is my friend.
OK, That's a wrap. Move on folks, nothing left here for you.


Monday, September 12, 2011

I left.

Temporarily. I don't use my computer when I have time off. And I had the first week of September off. Our relationship (my computer and I) is tempestuous, at best. We go through rocky bits, and I go into avoidance mode,  if I can. But I am back.

Since I left, I got laser surgery, got new glasses, started a new TV series, Doctor Who started up again, lost and found an earring, had friends come back after Summer, and helped someone move for school. I think that is it.

Oh! And I made my first blackberry crisp of the season.

Fall feels like it is coming soon. I miss formal school, so badly. Work is just not the same. And I just love Fall mornings, I love the shorter days. I think I might be the only person on earth with that like.

It was recently brought to my attention that I might be sick in the head for some of my likes. Want a list? Well, you can have a short one.
  • I like winter days. The ones were daylight starts at 8:30 and ends at 5. Those ones? ?Yah, I like those ones.
  • I crave tofu. I really like it, and I get tofu cravings.
Apparently people shouldn't crave tofu.