Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Everything's a Bloomin'

 Day the Twelfth:
 It's spring. For the uninitiated, that means pollen. Lots of evil pollen.

Fair warning: I am going to get squicky.

As a singer, I have an unusual relationship with my sinus passages. I clear them out with saline solution, I avoid my favorite foods, and I moan when ever there is abnormal amounts of pollen. I was blessed to receive, at birth, very sensitive skin, and SINUS linings. Yipee!

I could at any given time talk to anyone about the inside of my face. It took a fair bit of time to figure out that when people inquire after my well being, they are not, in fact asking about my nose. But my nose concerns me. And for those who want to know, it is plugged. The snot keeps dropping onto my soft pallet and after about 20 min. I have to struggle to get any lift. In cave man terms; no high notes. I feel like I can't get hydrated. I'm drinking water as if it's going to dry up, and leave the earth bereft. All because of spring. The sun was nice. Nose issues? Not so much.

I enjoyed that. Ranting about this is something that never grows old.



  1. I'm really, really sorry. As a singer, I know the feeling, although I'm pretty sure I never get as bad as you, poor thing.

  2. I like hearing about your nose. Its personal. It helps us really get inside your head. He he he. PM
