Monday, April 11, 2011

I have to go make supper

So this is going to be fast. (Not boring)
Day the Eleventh:
I'm having a ball with lists, so a list it will be. As a mentioned yesterday, I like dragon books, so lets do that.

  1. The Hobbit. I thought I would start with a classic. Smog was awesomely terrifying. Tolkien was brilliant. (Like you needed me to tell you that.)
  2. Everyone Knows What A Dragon Looks Like. Written by Jay Williams. This is a kid's book. My fascination started young.
  3. A Dragon in a Wagon. Another kids book. By Lynley Dodd.
  4. The Paper Bag Princess. I re-read this book SO many times. By Robert Munsch.
  5. Missy Lee.By Arther Ransome. Not technically a dragon book. But there was a very vivid Chinese dragon festival scene, that even though I haven't read this in, oh, fourteen years I can still remember.
  6. The Hero and the Crown. By Robin McKinley. This women writes beautiful prose. I actully prefer "The Blue Sword" which come before this in a series. But she's still lovely.
  7. Dragonhaven. Also Robin McKinley. I finished this one today. Sigh. Good book.

OK. Now I gotta run.



  1. I just finished Missy Lee a few weeks ago!! love that book!

  2. Oh, Missy Lee! Oh, The Hobbit! Oh, Robin McKinley! Oh, awesome books!

    By the way, I should tell you this in person, but I'm going to do it as a comment on your blog instead. Because that's what I feel like doing. And I like blog comments.
    Anyway, there's a book in for me at the library called "The Dragon Book" and it's full of short stories about dragons by great authors. Kind of like those Firebird books. You can read it when I'm done.
