Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday came.

 Let us do this in Quick Take format.

This is the first time I have ever had to work a full time job in the Summer. It changes the feel of a season drastically. I haven't helped around the house nearly as much. I haven't read many books. I also haven't lounged around looking for something to do. I haven't swum in the lake either, but that is more a comment on the weather more than my job. So, different.

I ate ice cream out of a carton for the first time 10 minutes ago. It was fun.

I appear to run a Doctor Who lending service. I will hand out my DW as long as people love it.

I have a new key board. It feels different. I am adjusting.

Book talk, Jane by April Linder; Jane and Rochester have no chemistry. It is boring. The creep factor that is in the original is not there and I was altogether disappointed, especially after it had such a pretty cover.

I like fabric shopping on the internet. I don't like it IRL. My feet always get sore when I have to browse through a fabric store looking for those few good finds.

Have a lovely long weekend.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Becoming Open

There are so many types of open and almost all are good. Open to grace, open to chances, open to people. Open is followed by honest. Honest, but kind, I think., because with open, comes vulnerability.

I am not open by choice. My mother has made a point to wear me down over time, but it was not a tendency I came to all by myself. This blog is an experiment in being more open.

So, lets play 5 random facts about me;
  1. I am a closet music fan. As a musician that sounds wierd, but I am a classical musician. Classical people can get snobby. I like music. I like lots of music. All the time I like music. 
  2. I plan phone calls well in advance. I practice what I have to say. I rehearse it over and over. Then I dial with shaky sweaty fingers and get the call over as fast as I can with as few umms as possible. It helps that I plan the call. I don't like making calls. I don't mind answering the phone.
  3. I prefer Adoration in the middle of the night. I like a quite world so I can cry with God alone. I cry in Adoration. Always. It's easier in private.
  4. I love history. It's a soap opera your permitted to study and memorise all the funky details of. I want to travel for the history of a place not its climate.
  5. My fingernails a currently bright blue.

Monday, July 11, 2011

True Lovers of Lists

After years of my mother telling to do five or six chores and then leaving to do what ever is was she had to do, and coming home and noticing that I always forget to do one or three, we devised "the list".

If you have never heard of lists they are very rare and new fangled. They are written directions.
  • Do laundry
  • Make dinner
  • Move your stupid books off the coffee table, and take them to your bedroom. I don't care if you reading them.
You get the idea.

Well, after years of communicating through lists and listening to the line of the Queen Scouts,  (I happen to be the spawn of one), Be Prepared, I have grown attached to lists.

I have been amusing myself with making lists about a trip I am going take in twenty-six months. Yes, I am making packing lists for a trip that is going to take place in over two years. And food lists. And budget lists. And location lists.

Although at least half these lists came into creation because I couldn't remember all the words to There was an old women who swallowed a fly.