Saturday, April 23, 2011

If I had a Tardis

Day the Twenty-third:

History is were my time would be spent.

I want to hear what ancient Egyptian sounded like. Ever since I studied Egypt, and found out that we can read the hieroglyphs because of the Rosetta Stone, not because we actually can speak it, I have wanted to hear it.

The time of the dinosaurs. Don't tell me that giant things aren't cool.

To be in England for the repercussions of 1066 would be amazing.

Just once I think, maybe, I would go into the future. My interest really lies in the past.

The time of Christ. Can you imagine a chance to BE there?

I want to see a claymore in action. Hear the evolution of the English language. Meet Chesterton.  And St. Joan of Arc. Find out what actually was going on during Bloody Mary's reign without the propaganda. See one of Shakespeare's plays while he was alive. Hear a Palestrina Mass just after it had been written. Have a reason to ride sidesaddle.

So many things and places, this list is endless.

Series six of Doctor Who starts in less than two hours.


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