Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'm less grumpy.

Sorry about yesterday. I sounded... gruff? Anyway, I finished my book and Chelsea got through to the semi-finals. So after I left here things went well. I was reading "A Posse of Princesses". I borrowed it from RED, and if you would like her opinion here is a link;
The only thing I would add is that Sherwood Smith balances the age of her heroine nicely. Often with YA the characters can sound either wildly young and not self reflective at all or just too dang old. It is a rough age to write, middle teen years. I make no claim about being able but, I like it when they nail it. Her characters recognize that they are 16 and so realize that some of their actions are silly, they are also on the cusp of adulthood and make some wise choices. I just think she captured the balance.
So, good book.

1 comment:

  1. That cover is so much better than the other one...
    And yes, I agree with that thing about ages. I couldn't really figure out how to say it when I reviewed it, so I just skipped saying anything at all.
