Friday, May 6, 2011

*drum roll* It's Friday

It's time for thing Friday.

Thing one: My line up for the recital in two weeks finally got nailed down. I have slight obsessive problems when something like this goes for long periods of time all liquidy. Makes me nervous. I am over the moon. (Not really).

Thing two: YouTube is supplying some of my music these days. Only problem, it's not so portable. (YouTube isn't in spell-check yet. Huh.)

Thing three: June cannot come to quickly this year. I was promised no theory this summer. First time in forever. I am looking forward to quasi freedom. Should be almost boring.

Thing four: As a word of advice, don't make your music teacher laugh while drinking. Even if I am never intentionally funny, and most of my funny moments happen while I am in tears, laughing and drinking can be dangerous.

Thing five: Who thought out how we teach history. I can barely keep hold of the details of my life, and I'm living it, what makes it an obvious choice that I have to remember some dead composers mistress? Is it life changing? Will the music make more sense? Do I care? Brainiacs, those people in charge of the book writing.

Thing six: I'm sorry. Anyone, for anything. Just... I'm sorry. Always.

Thing seven: Have a lovely weekend and to all those with mother's, this coming Sunday is Mother's Day. Don't forget.



  1. Thing one: Want to email me sometime? You can also email me any write up you want to have in the program about your songs. Like the translation. So you don't have to speak the whole bloomin' thing.

    Thing two: I HATE that.

    Thing three: Yay! Then we can do things when I'm free!

    Thing four: She doesn't laugh all that much with me. You're lucky.

    Thing five: Yes. We need someone to redesign the way education is done.

    Thing six: I forgive you and pray for you.

    Thing seven: You too!


  2. This is the wrong place and the wrong time (too late at night! BAD RED!) but I want to remind you before I forget that I have an idea I want to ask you about. You might not like it, but what the heck? It might spur a better idea.
