Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Where did time go? Huh?!
Time for an update. It has been almost a month since I last thought I should try my hand at this.
So,  the happenings of my life.
My poor cat had surgery, and now has a very ugly hair cut.
Tolliver in his cone and sweater.

I got sick for the first time in three years. That threw a kink into my life for almost two weeks.

Winter has arrived. Rain and dark. I am in happyville. I know, I know, I'm crazy sauce. Nobody likes dark rainy days. Well I do, so suck it up.

Why haven't I talked about TV this season? Doctor Who and Downton Abbey and all the regular things and I haven't said anything? Crazy.  I kinda liked Rory & Amy's ending. I did not like killing Sybil. I still like Tom Branson.

 All in all good stuff. Just waiting for Christmas now.

I also haven't been updating the book count. Silly me. Seven? Eight? I actually lost count.

Been re-reading "A Civil Contract" by Georgette Heyer. It is solidly one of my favorites of hers. Not gooey romance, but the building of a relationship and marriage. I really like this one. I am trying not to over use the word love. Finding substitute words in the English language should not be that hard, I simply have a limited vocabulary.

Wanna see the manly buck who wandered into our yard? I took pictures.

Sorry about the phantom camera. I couldn't go out side for fear of disturbing him. He was almost on the porch.

Now I have to go eat carrot cake. Toodles.

1 comment:

  1. Like the pictures. The phantom camera almost looks cool.

    English really is missing words for degrees of enjoying or loving something/someone. I generally end up substituting with a descriptive sentence like, "I think the colour scheme on this one is fantastic." But then I run out of words for "fantastic". There are a few more than words for "love", though.
