Saturday, September 8, 2012

Owning Tolliver

This unintentionally turned into a book blog.  I have not finished a book in a while. Can you tell?
But I thought I would add some personal thoughts. Because that is what it was supposed to be. None of the thoughts would finish. They were fragments floating around. Not being whole, not being BIG. I could not do anything with them.

I am going to try, anyways.

One of the trials in owning a cat is animal disposal. There is always the continual getting rid of dead things bit, the hard part is when they are not dead. Two nights ago Tolliver, sweet thing, was going to keep playing with his poor captured mouse. It was paralyzed and squeaking and he was going to keep tossing it in the air and not killing it. I thought the compassionate thing to do would be to kill it.

Mouse dear, was on the deck, which right now has a carpet. I didn't factor this in. I thought that if I could bang the head in that would be fastest. It took too many thumps with a metal watering can to crush the head, because of the rug. But I finally did crush the skull in two and severed most of its neck. But, Heavens, it took forever. I felt traumatized. It is much much worse than banging on a fish. Poor mouse.  

Yes, I think I will rap that up. I will tell more stories later. Sorry to be yucky. Just thought I would what has bean going on in my life.

As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat.  ~Ellen Perry Berkeley

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