Friday, September 21, 2012


There has been talk flying around my house about only and youngest children. It made me think of all my mum's favorite phrases. I thought I would do a list.

  1. No blood, no sympathy. (I have really early memories of this one.)
  2. Life isn't fair. You were not born with a ticket on your toe saying life would be fair. (This eventually got shortened to "No ticket.")
  3. You don't have to like it, you just have to do/eat it.
  4. I am not here to win a popularity contest. (Often said if I told her that she was mean or I didn't like her at that moment in time.)
  5. It only gets worse with age. If you think this is hard, just wait. (High school needed to be put in perspective, apparently.)
  6. Suck it up Princess!
  7. This one is not a exactly a saying, but she would rub her fingers together. World's smallest violin. (In other words, she so did not care.)
  8. Oh cry me a river. 
Those were the common ones that I grew up to. My sweet mother. She was the soft parent. And I still ended up spoilt. (But only a little bit. For an only I am bearable sometimes.)

Thanks mum. I now have all the ammunition with which to raise children.


  1. See! Here is exemplified yet ANOTHER reason to spell "mum" like "mum" instead of "mom". "Momisms" looks very strange. "Mumisms" looks like it's an actual word.
