Monday, May 7, 2012

Trying to do laundry.

I am never sure how to start little stories that don't really have a beginning but I still want to share. I just had to laugh at myself today.
So before I went to work this evening I knew I had to put on a load of laundry for the simple fact that I was running out of clothes. But I also knew I had to shower first because I can't run the washer and rinse my hair simultaneously. And what happened? Yes, I forgot to put on the laundry, and I didn't realise until at work I was asked to do ... Laundry. So there I was transferring from the washer and this bolt struck me. A total head desk moment. Call me a forget-it-often flower. Shower? Check. Laundry? Nope.
So all I really wanted in that moment was to go home and do my own laundry, because a) I had remembered that I have no clothes. b) I just really wanted to go home. Stuck at work doing the chore I had forgot to do at home which has slightly more dire consequences. (NO CLOTHES)
Oh, the irony.
Oh well.

I finished Penhallow finally. My gosh it was weird. No one died until about 70% of the book was finished and on top of that, the murder was describe as it happened and then, yes, more weird stuff, it was not solved by the police and then it ended. Like I said, weird.

I happen to like both Agatha Christie and Georgette Heyer. They can both be a little formulaic, but always enjoyable. But on the odd occasion they come up with loopy books. I just have to sit and shake my head. This one goes in the funky pile.

No RIG tonight.

There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast.  ~Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. I think I want to read that, despite the weirdness. You own it, right?
