Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thank you...

There is thing... Gosh, starting a sentance like that makes me feel dumb.

Moving on.

Recently in some of the YouTube videos I have been watching, people have been thanking J.K. Rowling. So I thought, why limit yourself to one English author?

Thank you A.A. Milne for the way I write to and orally address my mummy. Thank you for writing poetry that I simply memorised by reading it repeatedly. Thank you for Eeyore. And Winnie-the-Pooh.

Thank you Arthur Ransome for getting me through the first years of homeschooling.

Thank you Baroness Emma Orczy for writing The Scarlet Pimpernel. This book showed me that 100% was possible with Seton.

Thank you Constance Savery for outstanding children's literature, That as an adult becomes more complex.

Thank you C.S. Lewis. And Tolkien, and Chesterton. Thank you for being great men and wonderful authors.

Thank you Josephine Tey. You were a late edition to my life. I'm sorry it took me so long.

Thank you Georgette Heyer for filling up so much of my book shelf. My life would be that little bit more barren without you.

Thank you Diana Wynne Jones for Howl and Chant. You will be missed.

I think that's it for now.

P.S. Does Robin McKinley count? She is from the States but lives in England.


  1. I like your list. It's a pity Tey didn't write more. Jane Austen, yes, and have you read The Nine Tailors by Dorothy L. Sayers?
    My web site will tell you more than you want to know about the work of Constance Savery. I am in the process of writing her biography.

  2. Oh, what a good post, my dear! I'm going to add some of my own. It's supposed to be British authors, right?

    Thank you Terry Pratchett for Moist and Vetinari and Samuel Vimes, and for some of the funniest fantasy I've come across.

    Thank you Lewis Carroll for writing several memorizable monologues, and for giving my alter ego his name.

    Thank you Robert Louis Stevenson for giving me the first poem I memorized ever.

    Thank you Agatha Christie for writing the most good novels I've ever heard of an author writing. And also for "The Secret Adversary" because it's fun.

    Thank you George Bernard Shaw for writing Pygmalion, which started my fascination with plays.

    Thank you P.G. Wodehouse for creating one of my favourite characters ever (Psmith), who in turn introduced me to one of my favourite bloggers ever (Bookshelvesofdoom), who gave me a shove into the beautiful world of YA fiction, which then introduced me to most of my other favourite characters ever.

    And of course there are more. British authors. The Best.
