Monday, July 11, 2011

True Lovers of Lists

After years of my mother telling to do five or six chores and then leaving to do what ever is was she had to do, and coming home and noticing that I always forget to do one or three, we devised "the list".

If you have never heard of lists they are very rare and new fangled. They are written directions.
  • Do laundry
  • Make dinner
  • Move your stupid books off the coffee table, and take them to your bedroom. I don't care if you reading them.
You get the idea.

Well, after years of communicating through lists and listening to the line of the Queen Scouts,  (I happen to be the spawn of one), Be Prepared, I have grown attached to lists.

I have been amusing myself with making lists about a trip I am going take in twenty-six months. Yes, I am making packing lists for a trip that is going to take place in over two years. And food lists. And budget lists. And location lists.

Although at least half these lists came into creation because I couldn't remember all the words to There was an old women who swallowed a fly.


  1. I love lists. They are so ... present. They're THERE, you know? THIS is what I have to do. No more and no less. Very symbolic.

    Also extremely useful for those poor souls with bad memories.
