Friday, July 6, 2012

To Whom it May Concern

To anyone who recieves customer service,

Please don't be grumpy. It never helps anything.Use this as an opputunity to practice cheerfulness. Pretend to be ok with your life for as long as it takes to get through a line. If the line is long, and you didn't want to be there, chances are high that the cashier is just as frazzled as you are, but they HAVE to smile.

Please don't complain about prices to the cashier, unless it is a very small business and they happen to own the company. The person behind the counter did not decide the price, they have no influence over the price, and definatly did not make you pick up the item in question. If you feel the need to comment on a price chances are high that the last twenty people before you also felt that need. It never makes any ones day better to complain about something that can't be fixed. Please just, don't.

Thank you for listening.

I finished "Why Gender Matters" by Leonard Sax. It amazes me how much common sense is having to be put back into the way we think. For instance, here is a statement that is no longer taken for granted, Boys and Girls are really different. And you think "Duh". Good book.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes, yes. Too bad you can't actually give this to everybody.
