Thursday, August 18, 2011

My eye

The left to be exact. It has a saga. Well, both of my eye's are involved in the saga.

It starts when I was young. I was diagnosed with an eye focusing error. Which means the little muscles in your eye which keep it steady to follow a line of writing, were not developed. So I couldn't read.

That was fun. The years before 11. I would get massive headaches when trying to study for more than 20 minutes, which is why we began homeschooling. But I grew out of my focusing error, and for 4 years I had perfect vision. Then I was given glasses for distance because my vision was no longer fine.

Glasses. I didn't want to be one of the kids with glasses. I wanted perfect vision like both my parents. I didn't want issues. So I didn't wear them. And I didn't go back to the optometrist for 6 or so years. I recently went back. And was told that if I have glasses I should wear them. I have been. The headaches are gone so that's nice. But when I was at the Doctor's, his fancy new eye camera found a hole in my left eye, and I have been scheduled for laser surgery to tack it into place so my retina never detaches, which could happen because of my hole.

I'm not old enough for this kind of drama.


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