Friday, August 26, 2011

Calm, empty and the 26th.

Boring was much needed. I was craving day with nothing in it, just to catch up in my brain. We have had so much company.

Summer arrived late, and now I am not sleeping. But it had to come at some point.

I made my first batch of jam EVER today. So, that was scary. I read. I didn't sleep in.

                        Really, the entire point of this post is to say;


1 comment:

  1. !

    Tomorrow, I'm buying my textbooks, and then coming home to watch Doctor Who, and I only have two days of work left. I can't think of a better day.

    (Ok, I CAN think of a better day. Just to clarify. I could have NO days of work left. But exaggerations like that always sound better if they are stated as fact. ANYWAY.)

    Aren't the weeping angels pretty? It's one of my favourite things about them. Despite the fact that they're scary as anything.

    That's so cool! You can make jam! I'm proud of you! You keep getting cooler and cooler!
