I always forget what blackberry tastes like. Fresh off the bush. Still warm. And then I always remember, and it is good. So good. Do I forget the joys of seasons that aren't happening? I don't think I do, and then I eat that blackberry.
We also got three hazelnuts from the nut tree. That was fun. Nothing else is ready to be harvested.
It's the 15th of August. The evenings are shorter, the days cooler. Time to think about back to school.
Because of the what I chose to do, back to school supplies don't look standard. They haven't looked standard since grade 2 and I still miss that feeling. Kilts, new pencils and knee-high socks are all things I wish for as soon as anyone mentions school. I wish universities had uniforms. I wish it could feel like September more often. New, fresh, and so so clean. No big black blemishes tarnishing your memories yet. They come. So quickly they come, but they haven't arrived yet.
Pretty, Huh? |
I miss that feeling.Adulthood isn't formed into seasons quite the same way. I think I will suffer nostalgia for Autumn forever.
12 days till Doctor Who!!!