Monday, April 4, 2011


Day the Fourth:
So I'm thinking April goes on all month long. I need a plan. But I don't plan my blog. I didn't even plan on having a blog. See how well my not planning is going? But still, I need a plan. So I thought I could do random lists of stuff. You know, stuff.

 How about I start with my pet peeves. I really like talking about them.
  1. Wet Socks. Not wet all over. Just, when you step on a drop of water on the floor, and the sock gets a wet spot on the ball of your foot. Then it sticks and just generally bugs me. Pet peeve.
  2. Having a song I hate stuck in my head. I have come to the conclusion that I get an internal soundtrack, regardless of wether I want it or not, just, does it have to be songs I hate?
  3. American spell check. I want to spell my words the British way. Would it be too much to ask, to have a British spell check? Yes? Well, bummer.
  4. When library's only have three or so book out of five book series. Or, they don't have the book at all. I don't want to buy it if I don't know I like it , but I can't know that I like it, if I can't read it.
  5. Canadian publishers who don't publish new books from Australia or England. Catch up already!
  6. When they publish a series and change the size and cover design part way through. It makes for uneven shelves. GRRRRRRRRRRR!

Hmm. Books. I love books, but any time there is a close relationship there is more chance for peeves, apperantly. 

"It is a curious thing that people only ask if you are enjoying yourself when you aren't."
Edith Nesbit


1 comment:

  1. Ooo, #4 is bothering me right now. Silly libraries!!!
