Friday, May 27, 2011

It's thing Friday

Dear B. of K.

Thing one: I can feel myself turning into my mother. I don't mind, it's just weird. So we were shopping today, and in the check out line they had thank-you cards on sale, and two of the patterns could be masculine. Mum collects cards in a box so that when the occasion arises we have a card, but masculine thank-you cards are a little hard to find on sale. When I saw these cards I snatched them up with the statement that I had to start my own card box. I'm becoming my mum.

Thing two: Just when I think it is time to clean out my brain, someone, generally THE teacher of music gives  out more work. She must sense that I am regaining consciousness  or something. I have been singing this aria for a very short time when she tells me the interpretation could use work and could I please translate it word for word from the Italian. I, of course, say yes.

Thing three: I love book shopping. This might have been mentioned. But, in my journeys as a book shopper, I have developed a pattern. I ask if they have an obscure British author, they say no. Or sometimes not obscure, they still say no. Or they have the author, just not the books I am looking for. If someone ever says yes, I might scream, which would be inappropriate. It could happen though.

Thing four: Rhubarb crisp and ice cream is yummy.

Thing five: I am in the middle of a passionate love affair with cheese. I eat dairy approximately four weeks of every year. Cheese and ice cream. Yummy.

Thing six: The regular TV season is closing which means I have time to organize which TV shows I would like to watch and catch up on. This is going to be a blast. I like moving pictures.

Thing seven: Read a good book. Re-read a good book. Have a good weekend.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Go Canucks Go

I usually watch hockey during the Olympics, and that's it. I have come to realize that is partly because, before this year, in my living memory, my home team didn't not do well. Nothing gets me enthusiastic about a sport than a team I like, doing well.

So, I am watching the Stanley Cup, and caring. I feel unified with the people around me. When someone drives past with Canucks flag in their car windows, I feel a flash of understanding, that in the past was not felt. This is the first time I have ever cheered team, not a country. Before this, I watched more individual sports or world sporting events. This is fun.

So... Go Canucks Go


Sunday, May 22, 2011


I have procrastinated as long as is humanly possible while living in a place with no public transportation about driving. But the time has come, I can no longer bum rides without a twinge of guilt. So now I have to buckle down and learn how to park. I hate driving. I swear I am going to kill someone.

Still insisting on living in the country though. So I obviously don't hate driving enough. Sigh.

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's thing Friday

Thing one: Time moves slower when I am not stressed. Or maybe that is just the sunshine talking.

Thing two: I like reading angst. Not tragedy. Angst. My insides weep this continuous, slow, achy cry, and I love that kind of pain. It is peaceful. Colour me odd.

Thing three: I'm actually looking forward to getting dressed up tomorrow night. I usually hate dress clothes. I love the shoes, but I don't like taffeta. But this time seems different.

Thing four: Baking is more fun when I'm doing it because I want to. When I have to bake for others the expectation is heavier. It never tastes like it should.

Thing five: I need a new book. One that sucks me in body and soul. It's been awhile since I had one of those. I think I'm ready.

Thing six: Isn't sunshine pretty?

Thing seven: Have a nice long weekend. I know I will.


Thursday, May 19, 2011


Apparently woman can multi-task. As far as I know I am a woman, but not a multi-tasker. Not the BIG stuff at any rate. I can talk and unload the dish washer, I can not do an exam and concert and keep up a blog.

The people close to me have noticed this trend. One year my music teacher booked me to do a voice and piano exam in the same session, after my marks came back she decided that we were never doing that again. Actually, noticing that trend, it might explain why I have done so many summer theory exams. Anyway, I fell off the face of the earth and I am almost back. Not that I care. Or you care. Just saying.

Did you know that Queen Victoria started the trend for wearing white wedding dresses?


Monday, May 16, 2011

If you don't have anything to say

Say nothing.

Which is how I am explaining my silence. After this coming weekend my last big scholastic push will be over and I get to make the move towards summer activities. Like washing and painting the house. This happens most summers. But this year instead of touching up, or re-painting nice colours we get to paint over pink walls. I am resigned to pink clothing, but the fact that people would voluntarily paint walls pink I still find a difficult concept. I like blue, and green, and grey, and cream, and yellow. Not pink. Not pink on walls.


Friday, May 6, 2011

*drum roll* It's Friday

It's time for thing Friday.

Thing one: My line up for the recital in two weeks finally got nailed down. I have slight obsessive problems when something like this goes for long periods of time all liquidy. Makes me nervous. I am over the moon. (Not really).

Thing two: YouTube is supplying some of my music these days. Only problem, it's not so portable. (YouTube isn't in spell-check yet. Huh.)

Thing three: June cannot come to quickly this year. I was promised no theory this summer. First time in forever. I am looking forward to quasi freedom. Should be almost boring.

Thing four: As a word of advice, don't make your music teacher laugh while drinking. Even if I am never intentionally funny, and most of my funny moments happen while I am in tears, laughing and drinking can be dangerous.

Thing five: Who thought out how we teach history. I can barely keep hold of the details of my life, and I'm living it, what makes it an obvious choice that I have to remember some dead composers mistress? Is it life changing? Will the music make more sense? Do I care? Brainiacs, those people in charge of the book writing.

Thing six: I'm sorry. Anyone, for anything. Just... I'm sorry. Always.

Thing seven: Have a lovely weekend and to all those with mother's, this coming Sunday is Mother's Day. Don't forget.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Be patient

I have stuff to process.

Humans can learn an amazing amount of stuff in a week. It helps when it is already half learned.

Lyrics are the easy part of music.

Crazy people are crazy, they are really hard to crawl inside of.

Life does not end If exams are failed. Humility is good, even in big doses.

Brains can eventually regain order. They just need time.

Ones value as a human does not rest in academic achievement.

Prayer always helps. Always.

Eating feelings does not. Chocolate is not always the solution. Most times it is though.

Time progresses regardless of whether it is told to or not.

Internal metronomes need to be dusted sometimes. That does not mean I am faulty and not functioning properly any more. Tune-ups are for peak performance.

I will live.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I fell out wih the news

Feels a little odd not to have a header telling me what day it is.

Big things have happened in the last three days. Two big things. Osama bin Laden was killed, and the Torys got a majority government. I was very close, about a year ago, to being a political junkie. I watched the news every night. I could tell you what was happening around the world, and then we fell out. The news and I. I got sick and tired of news casters yelling at each other. Hyperbole was extreme, every time someone said anything you could be excused for thinking the world was ending. And it could be about dogs going to the dentist, for Pete's sake. It was exhausting. I stopped watching.

If I happen to know anything now, it's coincidence. I knew there was an election because I had to go vote. And my father checked the news on his iphone this morning and told me about OBL. I'm in a news void, and I have to say, I kinda like it. I get to merrily go about my life without the overshadowing of the entire worlds issues hanging on my head.

And if the event is big enough I will eventually hear about it.
