Monday, January 31, 2011

Thinking is scary.

I am not going to drop off the face of the earth. I will update my blog. And it will be positive. Well, today anyway.
I thought I would do the exercise post before I go for my first run, that way it will be upbeat. And I still have enough breath to talk (think).

So, happy thoughts. ...

I know! The regime is staring on the right day. That is a good start. I am not starting out with procrastination.
Apparently resolutions take an entire month to form. I didn't have any thing I needed to do 2011 and now I have four. Golly. So much for no New Years junk.

Time for the quote. "Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday."


Monday, January 24, 2011


I have a whole long list of reasons why there has been no updates. But they are all boring. My mouth tastes like sugar. It wont even go away after I brush my teeth. Sigh. I don't have time to keep up with all the sports I follow. Either I watch to many sports or I have no time. I am going with the last hypothesis.

I just thought of an annoyance. My parents are in Mexico, and they have eaten more Italian food than Mexican. Sheesh! I love food. food is good. Good food is even better.

I have been re-reading a really good series. By a certain Megan Whalen-Turner. She is brilliant.

I am on a count down of my last few exercise free days left. Golly.

Okay, then. GERONIMO

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I live in my mind.

Have you ever stopped to considered that being famous for singing would be an impossible feat if we didn't have such distinct voices? No? I have.

I was listening to the radio today when thought started to hit my brain. So mean. Anyway. I recognized a singer covering a song I had never heard them sing, but I still new instantly who it was. And as I was walking this morning I passed a smoker. Have you ever noticed that smoking is destructive? Not only do you pull pollution deliberately into your lungs, it also destroys some of the uniqueness of peoples voices.

Smokers have that common rasp as well as ... I guess it could be called straining, to their speaking sounds. Ick.

I think I have finished my train of thought now.


"Counting  counts only when we have learnt how to count what counts."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I don' t understand puncuation.


I get the point, sure. No one wants all the sentences to run together. I just don't get it. I can never remember the names, so then I have to resort to describing what it looks like. Or its use. All in all, just embarrassing.

I was always the kid whose papers were sent back with all these red dots at the end of my sentences. I new were the breath was supposed to be taken. Why couldn't everyone else figure it out?

I was only thinking about this 'cause I did a broad sweep of what my blog looked like and came to the realization that I like ellipses. They follow my thought patterns nicely.


"Many's the long night I've dreamed of cheese - toasted mostly."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

There has to be an attachment...

That can inserted into your brain to take dictations of all those pretty thoughts that happen in the middle of the night. I had an absolutely gorgeous and funny post all composed at 2:30 this morning. I lost it with the morning light. It was all about names, and if what we are named influences us at all. Currently drawing a blank on the aforementioned subject.

I was at work today thinking about New Year's resolutions, because I don't make any. And it's January. And I just started an electronic monitor of my life. So I am going to do resolutions of a sort. I am going to chose three things off my bucket list to try and do this year, plus a set of books I have been trying to read and haven't.

So here it goes.
Learn to Garden. More specifically, I want to be harvesting herbs that I grew to cook with this year.
Learn Calligraphy. Included in this, is a wish to improve my handwriting and relearn the art of letter writing. Because letters are cool.
Buy a Claymore. Because I have the perfect wall for it. And I want it. Badly. So...
Books for this Year;
Basically anything by Chesterton. I have to finish one of his books cover to cover by the end of this year.
And one unabridged Bronte. I don't care which one.
The four gospels. I need to do this.


Thank goodness this is going to out of my journal and visible or I would promptly start ignoring it.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Am I the only one...

Who likes when something makes me cry? It feels ... real. That my emotions are that accessible. I am not made of stone, or even that hardhearted. Just very real. And very much girl.


P.S. "Silence is the virtue of fools."

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I wish I had a photographic memory. I would love to part of a quote war or have an easy time passing exams or able to make people laugh with a perfectly timed quote.

Actually I would like to be funny regardless. But that is totally beside the point.
Well not really beside the point. I don't have a point. I just like spitting words out into the black abiss and watching them float.

"Brevity is the soul of wit."


P.S. None of that makes sense even in my own mind. Sigh.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I am so in love I can barley stay in my own skin. But there it is.
Why can't we take characters out of fiction and make them real? Life could be so unstable that way. It would be a blast. And also my swooning would be a little more understandable. Oh the trials of living in a world were there is no man with two hearts.


Thursday, January 6, 2011


Is a beautiful thing. Truly. Sigh. I have to go make cake now.

Fun quote "What makes a sane and rational person subject himself to such humiliation? Why on earth does anyone want  to become a football referee?"


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I thought I should learn to type...

So what do I do. Start a blog. ... My thoughts exactly. I love to read blogs, but they generally have anecdotes or short story's. My brain is like a wasteland if your asking for creative interesting reading. So this entire escapade should be an exercise in frustration.
 How is it that someone can grow-up in this day and age and not know how to type? I can't text either. Just answering the phone can at times be trying. But at least I'm never bored.